Some of my best ideas are spur of the moment. Well, to be fair, some of my worst ideas are also spur of the moment. However, this one turned out to be pretty amazing. Upon waking up from a night of very little sleep in the 20 degree weather of Silverton, CO (read the Alpine […]
With the weirdness of 2020 creating an extra day of Fall Break vacation from school for our kids, we wanted to make sure that we maximized the “adventure’ness” of the brief break from the hustle and bustle of these very memorable times. Thankfully, my father was in town so we recruited him to join us. […]
We often joke that we take day trips to places where others take vacations. Today was no exception. The Southwest has seemingly endless day trip destinations and Hog Canyon definitely offers enough spectacle to make for a worthy day trip. GPS Track and Route As far as technical rock crawling goes, this one is not […]
Barracks trail in kanab, UT One of the nice things about living in St. George is that we take spur of the moment weekend trips that would be a vacation-worthy trip if we lived anywhere else. For today’s spur of the moment trip, we decided to run the Barracks Trail, backwards (north to south). Meaning […]
Jeep Badge of Honor Trail Event date: 6SEP20 My wife and I made the long trip from St. George, UT up to Jackson, WY to meet up with a group of local off roaders to run the Monument Ridge Trail, recently crowned as a Jeep Badge of Honor trail. Along the way, I was *convinced* […]
I don’t throw this around lightly, but White Pocket is one of the most amazing natural land features I have ever seen. You could literally stare at this place for hours and continually be amazed at the grace and power of nature and time. This trip has been on my wife’s bucket list since we […]
At the time of this trip, we were (are) in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, there has not been much penetration of this virus in the southwestern Utah area. Although much of the city and surrounding states are on lockdown, the desert areas are still open for recreation. We again took advantage of […]
Most weekends, we load up one of the Jeeps and head out into the desert. Most of the trips are centered around natural scenery or rock trails. When we do trips like that, it’s tough to get the kids excited about it. In an effort to make it more exciting for them, we decided this […]
Getting from St George, UT to Las Vegas via dirt has been on my todo list since moving to St George. The varying terrain, massive amount of trails, and sites along the way make this an intriguing quest. With a little planning I was able to cobble together a few trails and roads into a […]