See our “Lead Time” page for current and estimated Lead Times.

Important Powder Coating Note
Powder coating is a manual process done by humans and may take some time. When you purchase powder coated products from AAL, we coat them for your order. Occasionally, that means delays with non-standard colors, resprays for less-than-perfect conditions, etc. We have a very high standard with powder coated products. We will work to get your parts coated in the best condition possible before they leave the building.
Please visit our Powder Coating Page for more info.
We are evolving the quick-setup camp kitchen! This is version 4 of our LoPro Functional Slide. The V2 version was actually a triple slide so those prototypes were “code-named” the LoPro Triple Slide. So, that’s why you may have heard us refer to it as that. However, the later versions provide the same amount of space with less moving parts, less expense, less weight, and lowers the fridge mounting surface about 1.5″. That allows for more room for your fridge. Since we eliminated the third slide and added a “flipping” third surface, it’s now code-named the “Flip’n Slide!”.
As we get more time with this new version, I will post more photos. We will be making a HiPro version of this same slide as well. That version will have room for your camp stove to live inside the second stage of the slide, but it will drastically cut down on your fridge options. Everything is a trade off.
As an added benefit of this new lower version, it will fit the new ARB Zero 38 quart on the driver’s side column. I love this fridge, but it’s very hard to fit within a JL due to the squared off nature of the edges. It clears the tailgate handle hump by about 1/8″ with the rear seats up. Dropping the fridge mounting surface for the V3 version was the key and definitely worth the extra development time and expense. NOTE: by “fit”, I mean it goes in and the tailgate closes. It’s still super tight. I would still recommend our 6×4 Flat Slide if you want to run the ARB Zero 38 on the driver’s side.

Fitment Note
While you *may* be able to use the Flip’n Slide! in a custom application, it is specifically built to be part of our M.A.S.S. system and connect to our M.A.S.S. Platform. We have platforms for Jeep JL and JK now and many more models on the way.
NOTE: This does not fit the 4xE.
The initial run of Flip’n Slides was built specific to the JL platform. If you need to fit into a JK, please let us know so we can setup the spacing for you before shipping.
What is this “6×4” thing?
What is the “6×4”, you say? Well, that’s the grid layout used by this particular slide. Our MASS system is built based on a grid pattern. So, in this case, 6×4 refers to 6 cutouts wide and 4 cutouts deep. For example, this would be the full length sliders for the Jeep JL platform and Jeep JK platform.
Click the image to the right to zoom.
NOTE: The Flip’n Slide is specifically built to be mounted on the driver’s side of the vehicle, due to the flip out prep surface.
Optional Windscreen/Backsplash
Wind is tough on camp stoves. For this reason, we have developed an optional windscreen that snaps into the aluminum prep surface. One added benefit of this tabbed design is that the tab cutouts allow for liquid to drain out for cleaning or spilling your cold beverage. The windscreen also contains two hooks, one on each side, on which you can hang spatulas, knives, etc.
Rattles Be Gone!
We use these products every day and one thing that drives me nuts is a rattle. We go to great pains to reduce every whisper of sound. When folded in, the aluminum prep table rests on two rubber bumpers, one on each corner. The pivot of the metal prep surface is isolated from rattles using plastic washers that ease the flipping action and prevent abrasions.
Super Low Profile
Space in the rear of your vehicle is paramount when trying to pack as much functionality as possible into your setup. We have kept the overall height of the Flip’n Slide as low as physically possible. The fridge mounting surface is almost touching the top of the slides. It’s this extreme attention to detail that works so well in this package. With the Flip’n Slide, you get the benefit of a strong fridge slide as well as double table space, all in a super compact package.
Fridge Fitment
We have tested the Flip’n Slide with a few different refrigerators. In the ’18 Jeep JLU, it fits all the way up to a Dometic CFX3 55 with the seats up. (NOTE: The newer models of JL have the rear seats more reclined so it only fits up to a Dometic CFX3 45. You can fit the 55IM without the rear seats) Here are some photos of the CFX3 55 in our shop JL. Your fridge can be strapped to the top of the Flip’n Slide using L-Track rings and ratchet straps or most refrigerators have some sort of bolting provisions on the bottom of the fridge. The Dometic and ARB’s have bungs on the bottom. We align the fridge exactly where we need it and measure out the hole locations. Then, drill holes in the top of the Flip’n Slide for your particular mounting needs. Unfortunately, we cannot include these mounting holes due to so many variations in refrigerators and locations. If we did, the top would look like swiss cheese.
One caveat on this, though. We installed a full MASS system in a ’21 diesel JL (no reclining spacers). For some reason, the seats in that one seem to be leaned back a little more than my ’18. We had to move the drawers rearward one position more than we usually do. So, the CFX3 55 would not fit in that one with the rear seats still installed. According to people that should know, there is nothing different about the seats on the ’21’s. So, I’m still not sure about that one. It’s an outlier. The newer JL Models won’t fit the Dometic CFX3 55IM with the rear seats installed. Only the Dometic CFX3 45 will fit.
Product Update!
What you see in the video below is V4 of our “triple slide”. The first version used a set of drawer slides to reveal the third surface. That worked great, but added more cost and weight for the slides. The second version used a “flip” and rotated the bamboo, creating a large table surface. This worked great as well, but I prefer to “prep” on the bamboo and cook on the aluminum. So, V3 was born. V3 “flipped” the aluminum to reveal the bamboo. This is the best of both worlds and will be the final production version, baring some major difficulties. V4 made some slight improvements and is the production version. We will do a decent size batch on the first build due to the large demand. Also, notice the optional wind screen. The V4 windscreen is attached with zero fasteners (less expense, etc.). The V4 screen also includes small hooks on both sizes to hang spatulas, trash bags, rubber chickens, etc.
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