Securing your cargo is extremely important when travelling on road and off road. Camping gear, overlanding gear, luggage, tools, coolers, etc., all can all cause severe damage to your vehicle and occupants if not secured properly. There is a right way and a wrong way to do it. These straps are a crucial component in doing it the right way.
These kits are made to our specifications (1″ wide strap, 6′ strap length) and feature our M.A.S.S. connector on both ends. The sewn-in connector ensures that the strap stays securely connected to the platform even if the tension loosens. It also greatly reduces the unusable length of the strap since you can get the ratchet very close to the mounting point. It’s also one less thing to keep up with (not needing to have an extra connector to use with the platform-side hook).
Kit Contents
Each M.A.S.S. strap kit comes with the following:
- (4) ratchet straps, 6′ in length

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